This project was my senior thesis project for my undergrad Graphic Design BFA. This was a year long project, spanning 2 semesters of research and content gathering followed by the making and production.
Fashion as Rebellion is a bound book that examines Vivienne Westwood’s role as a co-creator of punk subculture in Britain and examines the strong visual language of the style through fashion and graphic design. By presenting examples and stories of youth subcultures from Westwood’s era alongside those of my generation, my project reveals the ways in which punk has evolved since its conception and showcases the omnipresence of the style in contemporary youth culture. Exclusive of the content, the book’s design is thematically punk and explores the deconstructivist and punk design styles of the 1970s, re-contextualizing and modernizing them in the process.
This project manifested in the form of multiple printed objects, the main deliverable being the hardcover bound book I designed. This book is 48 pages of spreads that explore type and image relationships and combine illustrative elements with digital imagery. The other deliverables for this project were a zine and stickers that followed the visual language of the book. 

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